Dottie Hook - an Inspiration to So Many
Dottie Hook has been the “guiding light” of the charity New Approaches to Cancer for many years. New Approaches To Cancer was started by a group of four colleagues, two doctors and two healers back in 1969, so this year it celebrates its 40th birthday. The founders of New Approaches To Cancer felt it was important to share with as many people as possible the positive experience of using “Gentle Therapies” which, combined with supportive counselling, self help groups and dietary advice, have been shown to make a real difference to people going through the experience of cancer.
I first met Dottie in 1984, shortly after my mother died suddenly. She just knocked on my door and on that day opened my eyes to a completely new world. In just 3 hours, she impressed me with her knowledge of ley lines; the history that lies buried in our land, yet still remains alive helping us to this day; the power of positive energy to help ourselves and others on our journey through life and (conversely) the unimportance of excessive material wealth.
Since that day our paths have crossed many times, when we do not meet often, we speak by telephone. Dottie is selfless and tireless in her quest to help people to embrace those “Gentle Therapies” and frequently gives out my telephone number when she feels that I can help with advice or a remedial cream that may be needed as part of a therapy. Without exception, over the 25 years, every caller has been completely inspired by Dottie to take responsibility for their own health and well being!
She has an amazing gift that embraces knowledge, foresight, directness and eternal optimism. To me personally, she has been one of the most inspirational women I have ever met.
About New Approaches to Cancer
The Charity offers practical and financial help in all areas of complementary therapy. Each patient is helped according to individual need. We fund holistic treatments and provide ongoing support by giving appropriate professional attention through our network of offices. Helpers are available to give practical direction in all areas of complementary cancer patient care and we carry out home visits, supply self-help tools such as juicers, books and tapes. We send out free information packs and send out informative newsletters quarterly, make educational DVD’s and maintain an extensive Website. Working alongside conventional treatment, our aim is to encourage a sustainable and complementary way of living which will lower the risks of cancer and help those already diagnosed.
The Holistic Approach
There is more understanding, more help, more hope for cancer patients today than ever before. Cancer is talked about, publicised; its conquerors and patients tell their stories on television and in the press. The old taboos have gone.
But public awareness of medical matters has put under the spotlight the rift between traditional methods and the increasingly popular holistic approach. This sees the person as a multi-dimensional being, not a machine; the protection of health as a matter, not only for the body, but also the mind and spirit. Each depends upon the other and sickness occurs when that inter- relationship is imbalanced. This is not a new idea. It was urged by the father of medicine, Hippocrates, two and a half thousand years ago!
The holistic practitioner believes that traditional medicine can be greatly enhanced by the knowledge of complementary therapies. Acupuncture, homoeopathy, herbalism, reflexology and so on are not necessarily “alternative”; they can be complementary to surgery, radio and chemotherapy. There is no need for patients to abandon their family doctor when they decide to utilise complementary therapies and natural medicines. The largest cancer hospitals use diet and meditation as an optional therapy for cancer patients. Medical experts of all persuasions are being inspired to pool knowledge and encourage patients to assume responsibility for their own well-being.
New Approaches to Cancer is run by dedicated volunteers and helpers through private donation, fund-raising initiatives and occasional direct project funding application. It continues to play an active part in this integrated approach and is experienced in offering free support services, education and practical help in preventative and holistic therapy directly to those who need it most.